Saturday, July 14, 2007

Blue Bar. No Planning. My Wife is Tired.

I went to the Blue Bar last night for the Beach Party, an affair run jointly by the bar and the school.  Not too many students attended the party.  And so the spirit of the previous beach party wasn't there.  Still, a good time was had when they brought out these light plastic balls and everyone was able to let off tension by throwing them at others.  These balls were flying about the bar for a good hour.  I hit people in the head about 50 times.

Kelson from Brazil had a birthday yesterday.  I gave him a nice kiss.  I told him about my baby have four names, and being from Brazil, he approved. 

Jimmy from Taiwan is spending his last stint in Wuxi, and  he is saying he won't be seen again in these parts.  He is a sweet guy and will be missed.  Many drinks were bought for Simon.

Terry from Australia has read some TS Eliot poems.  It was nice for me to be able to quote from one. 

They gave me 14 more classes to schedule next week.  No idea of planning ahead - the Chinese.  I will have to solve scheduling problems on a day-to-day basis on top of teaching and planning all these new classes.  And I have a much-needed trainer in hospital for a few days.

The wife is tired.  I went out for a bit last night, but I came back as soon as I could.  She wasn't interested in going to a smokey bar.  I just want to be by her side the next 6 weeks.  It is hot and she will have a hard time of it.

I will talk about the Wuxi swimming pool when I have an opportunity.  Now it is chop-chop for me.  I have classes to teach and slots to full and a pregnant wife to take care of.

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