Saturday, March 9, 2024

7:42 AM View

 An earlier view than yesterday on account of my having to wait for workers to repair the pipe under the kitchen sink.  The pipe detached yesterday evening and I had some mopping to do.  I don’t how to attach the pipe again as there was nothing on the part under the sink to screw on to the lower section.  I couldn’t have done a temporary fix but better to have it done right by someone who knows how to do it exactly,  That’s what a figure.

Here’s a reminiscence:

The first few days in the hospital when I was trying to sleep I had these raving thoughts or nightmares.  I would close my eyes and see nothing but flashing or flickering yellow screen images accompanied by thoughts of deadlines that needed to be dealt right away, or else.  Eventually, the yellow was replaced by the normal darkness of closed eyes.  Was this an indication of how perilous my state was those first few days, or of daze, in the hospital?  My wife said the first few days were perilous; but I remember those days as just being inconvenient and uncomfortable.

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