Saturday, June 28, 2008

Two days off.

I think that these next two days will be the whole days I can spend in our new apartment. I have a few things I can do. I have some pictures and hooks to put on the walls. I have videos to make and edit. I have a wife to placate. I have a son to play with. I have an electric bike to take for a spin.

I tried again to watch the series John Adams last night. It seems very interesting and I wish I could give it my full attention. But that is a luxury in these days of Tony who is becoming more and more mobile.

As you can or will see in the videos, Tony can crawl and he wants to get into everything. My wife has told me that he has broken four cups that were in a lower drawer.

This U.S. presidential election has become a contest to see who can be more stupid. Obama's idiotic statements are numerous but he is going to be able to get away them. His wife had made a speech about blacks always having to face a changing or rising bar. In fact for her husband's candidacy, the bar has been lowered. I have heard a recording of Obama saying something to the effect that if it wasn't for the Iraqi War we could have cars that could do 100 m.p.g. Obama's opponent might as well be labelled the old fool. McCain has said things that rightly only Obama should be saying like for example:

"I believe there needs to be a thorough and complete investigation of speculators to find out whether speculation has been going on and, if so, how much it has affected the price of a barrel of oil. There's a lot of things out there that need a lot more transparency and, consequently, oversight."

As John Stossel asks in this article: This man (McCain) is the Republican? McCain went to Canada to make statements about Global Warming that should ban him from having any responsible position in the Republican party. He is only going to receive the endorsement of many on the right for Presideny because in this Dumb and Dumber election, he is Dumb.

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