Saturday, April 26, 2008

To Suzhou and the New apartment.

Today, we have hired a truck which will take us to Suzhou so we can pick up the closets for our new apartment.  Closets in Chinese apartment are usually not built-in.

I hope these drivers aren't late like the ones yesterday who were supposed to deliver our dining table.

I also hope I can be at the current apartment sometimes tomorrow afternoon so I can relax the rest of the day.

I made a comment on this Seablogger posting.  One of the commenters said one world language will reduce misunderstandings in the world.  I made mention of the damage Politicians would do to this one language that would not reduce understanding one iota.  Example, Obama.  For other examples, you can refer to that essay by Orwell about Politics and the English Language.  I remember asking some students about the possibility of there being one world language.  They told me they didn't like the idea.  Language they told me was an essential part of culture and made for variety in the human species.  So, Wuxinese should never stop speaking Wuxi local dialect. 

I have over 160,000 views on my Youtube channel.   Here is the latest:

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