Saturday, April 19, 2008

New Apartment

We didn't go out to the new apartment yesterday.  Maybe, we will go out today if it doesn't rain.

Meanwhile the old apartment is drafty as can be:  wind whines in my 21st floor apartment like a breeze in a Fellini movie.


Tony is trouble, trouble, trouble.  He is grabbing after things he shouldn't like phones.  He protests strongly if he a new "toy" is taken away.  Not aware of his strength, he kicks and slaps and grabs at his parents with impunity.  For the first time, I have had to consider the possibility of chiding him.  And just now he is walking about barefoot because his socks and booties came off.


The indispensable church.  Here is Seablogger's posting on that article.  Because of writers like GKC, WFB and Waugh that I have thought to become a Catholic.  I have also met many a ex-Catholic who strangely enough make me admire the Church more.  Something about having been a Catholic makes them insufferable.  And yet what good is in them seems to have come from having been a Catholic.   There is a paradox there but what can you do?  Life is a paradox.

And I have to be off....  So I have no time to develop the thought properly.

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