Friday, June 18, 2021

What Josef Biden Should Do about Systemic Racism

You would think that Josef Biden was old enough to know better. But Josef Biden only knows how to be a politician and a grifter; and so it shouldn't really surprise me that he likes to use the term systemic racism in his public statements.

I had been thinking how strange it was that a figure who entered in the US senate in 1972 never talked about systemic racism for over 45 years. But Biden has always been a weirdo. Be that as it may and now that he is, no doubt, in late stage dementia, one could defend him by saying that he is being made to use the term by his handlers, and that he in fact didn't believe in the concept in his days of , what for him could count as, lucid thinking.

But let's pretend he does take the idea seriously. Here is what he could do to fight systemic racism. He could admit that as an old white guy, who has clearly benefited from a system full of systemic racism, that it is wrong for him to occupy the office of the president of the United States, and that he will forthwith resign and give the position to a person of colour Kamala Harris.

Of course, the only problem with this is that Kamala Harris suffers from dementedness to a greater extent that Biden suffers from Dementia.

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