Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Typhoid AKIC?

The topic of my Speakers Corners (SPC) on June 1 was accidents.

I chose the topic because I was using the alphabet to help me choose the topic. I didn't chose the topic as a sick joke because June 1 was Children's Day (a.k.a. Keep Your Children away from Demented Creepy Pedophile Race Baiting peeResident Joe Obiden).

(What's even sicker is that Progressive White Liberals do think of children as being accidents that it is a woman's right, because its her body, to abort. But that's another story.)

Back to accidents. Asking students about accidents they had seen, I felt like I was an Typhoid Accident Andis. I had seen so many compared to them. I thought of the truck I had seen do a tumble on a highway in Saskatchewan, the old people I had seen tumbling down escalators, the old people I had seen falling flat on their faces and breaking their noses, the many car and bike crashes I had seen in Wuxi and Canada. I felt like a real source of bad luck, even though I was always minding my own business.

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