Sunday, June 27, 2021

They're going to turn the world into an airport; Nuremburg Trials for Them; Emperors without Clothes; Stanley Cup and the CCP; Incident at Winnipeg Airport was a Foreboding of the Canadian Government's Covid Madness; Sadly, My Brother is Getting the Jab; End of an Era;

I've been listening a lot lately to the Richie Allen Show podcast, a BBG (not BBC) show from Salford, England. Allen is properly skeptical of all the government Covid Corona nonsense. He has a wonderful accent and a great sense of humour. He did a bit where he started naming Covid variants scariants after suburbs in the UK that was so so funny. 

Allen did an interview recently with a doctor named Roger Hodkinson who is based in Edmonton, Alberta. Never have I heard a man who said so much I agreed with about the government reaction to Covid and the current state of Canada. Masks, lockdowns, travel restrictions and social distancing were all unnecessary, said Hodkinson. He further added that the vaccines were being pushed because the government was never going to admit that it had overreacted in the first place. Hodkinson who said he had moved to Canada because he was unhappy with the state of the UK said he was saddened to see how Canada had degenerated. [*Sadly, Hodkinson abruptly broke off relations with Allen because he had been told that Allen was an anti-semite. Bollocks on Hodkinson's part.*]

I have always been suspicious to the government reaction to Covid. When I heard of garden seeds being taped off in a Michigan store and thus prohibited from being purchased because they weren't deemed as essential goods, I knew right then and there we were in clown world. I feared that we were going to enter a world where airport type security was everywhere.

Nuremberg Trials for the leaders who ordered the lockdowns. They have a lot for which to answer. And many of these leaders I am sad to say are Canadian conservatives. Talk about emperors with no clothes.

I am watching a Stanley Cup playoff game on a Chinese TV website. It is rather surreal to see, during breaks in the action, PSAs celebrating the achievements of the Chinese Communist Party.

I also saw a long video, on the Subway train video screen, of Chairman Mao. Usually, not much is shown of Chairman Mao but Xi seems bent on celebrating his legacy. [Students at my Speaker's Corner told me that they were being bombarded with the CCP Stuff.]

I may have reported this incident from 2019 at the Winnipeg International Airport, but when I think of, it confirms my suspicions of the current government reaction to Covid is evil and overdone. What happened was that the people at airport security decided it was necessary that they take a special close look at my laptop. For this, they wanted me to take off the cover. When I told him that I had never taken off the cover and didn't know how, I was told in a menacing voice that I could take up my concerns with some higher-up in the airport security bureaucracy. This would have screwed up my return to Wuxi, so I had no choice but to comply. The security guy then told me how I could take off the cover which showed that he had done this procedure with many other annoyed travelers. I and all the other travelers were right to think that this government procedure was very unnecessary.

How much of the Covid procedures are equally as useless unnecessary I wonder..

My brother, who lives in Canada, told me that he is going to have to get "the stupid jab." I am not sure why he is being forced to, as of this moment. I wonder if it is for work or for travel.

I haven't gotten the jab and hope I never do. I won't be traveling for a year and by then I figure there will be a backlash against the people who forced the evil thing on so many unsuspecting people.

"That's the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper." That's the way it will end at my old school. The one I have been with since 2004. The last week, I will have nothing but SPCs to do. Back in the day, I would do teaching five or six hours a day. Now, nothing. And I have to say that to be idle is as painful as being too busy.

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