Thursday, October 31, 2019

Exposnationals Win the World Series; Local Road Rage; Bill Burr Podcast; I Quickly Stop Listening to Some Podcast Episodes; Long-Term Planning

  • Despite what you may have heard in the news, it was the Montreal/Washington Exposnationals who won the 2019 World Series. My son Tony won't be happy about the result. Because of the Houston Rockets, he chooses the Houston teams as his favorites in the other major sports. So, though the old Expos won, it would have been better for me if Tony was cheering for them.

  • It looked like I saw someone other than me having road rage. I was returning from having dropped off Tony at his school, when I saw a car make a wide right turn without looking. The turn was so wide that the car managed to take up more than one lane. So, a nearby car that had swerved into the left lane to to avoid the turning car still had to put on the brakes. Down the road a ways, the car that had made the wide right turn was making a left turn. The car that had been cut off was stopped besides the now left-turning car. The driver who had been cut off had her window rolled down and seemed to be giving the other diver the business. Passing that scene, I was feeling impressed by what I had seen till my car nearly got hit by a car that had quickly swerved into my lane. So, I got full of rage, passed the car, blared my horn at its driver for a good five seconds while doing so, and then made a swerving maneuver in his lane. Chinese drivers are reactive and never think to slow down when they see an obstacle. As I keep saying, Chinaman travels around without consideration for others. Everybody just has to avoid him. And fluck you if you protest.

  • I have so many podcasts to listen to these days. I just listened to the Bill Burr podcast in which he talked about the Montreal/Washington Exposnationals winning the World Series and how f***ing strange it was that every game of the series was won by the visiting team. I suppose I will listen to the Bookworm Room podcast next. Burr also made comments and jokes about how the athletes were overdoing the celebrating and even celebrating insignificant things like three yard gains. Burr was thinking that maybe he was just being an old man, and I had to disagree. There is something wrong with the ways the younger ones are acting these days. And Burr also mentioned how it was that the Nats used to be the Expos and how for a few Expos fans, the 2019 World Series was bittersweet. And a lot of the Nats fans are deep-state Trump-hating Trump-sabotaging bureaucrats.

  • I got to do things that are essential and completely enjoyable. So there are some things that I should stop doing like posting on WeChat and following what is happening the WeChat groups of which I am a member. [There I was just trying to not end a sentence with a preposition.]

  • Because I have so many podcasts to listen to, I will quickly stop listening to a podcast if I quickly see what the point, the takeaway, of it is and if I don't need to be familiar with the particulars of some subject. Case in point, there was a podcast about the autopsy of Jeffrey Epstein. I got the point that the autopsy was suspicious and decided I didn't need to listen to the expert telling me why.

  • I can't help but feel that I am squandering time on my looking into and my preparing for a move to Canada in 2020. I have to find a job and sources of income. I do have the luxury of having time to plan it out, but it is a overwhelming thing to think about. What am I going to do when I take Tony to Canada?

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