Sunday, September 22, 2024

7:38 PM View

 As I get ready for bed.  I’ll post some notes I jotted down — if you can call it that — into this phone’s notes app.

Facebook is evil

I wish I had taken a screenshot.

FB makes friend suggestions.  A few days ago, it “suggested” that I be friends with the father of my nephew & niece.  The image accompanying the suggestion showed the father posing with a woman who was not their mother.  The woman was a girlfriend.

The father died in 2012.

Going to the Church in China, I saw mostly old women; few children.  It seems that  the church’s destiny is extinction.

Still, seeing the old women praying, I thought of this aphorism from Nicolás Gómez Dávila:

—Mis convicciones son las mismas que las de la anciana que reza en el rincón de una iglesia. 

—My convictions are the same as those of an old woman praying in the corner of a church.

I met some Newfoundlanders at Monte Carlo’s.  They were working at a shipyard in Jiangyin on a conversion project:  a tanker was being converted to something else.  Why not sell the thing and get the type of ship you need? I should have asked.  Anyway, I asked them what was their big impression of Jiangyin.  They said they felt safe.  Even Newfoundland was unsafe? I asked.  Yes, they said.  I thought of how unsafe Brandon had become and that it even had homeless people and public drug addicts.

In the Monte Carlo’s, I meet a Peter, and a Paul came in later.  What’s that saying I asked about Peter & Paul? I asked.  “Robbing Peter to pay Paul!”  Jokes followed.

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