Thursday, September 19, 2024

5:20 AM View

 It’s a typhoon day.  I don’t have to go to school.  And neither does Tony..  But I have to teach online and Tony has to attend online.  Only problem with this is that we’re in the middle of administering speaking tests so I have no lesson planned.  

What to do?  I’ll ask A.I,

6:15 PM View

 Another Typhoon coming tonight or tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I saw this in my classroom.

It was about three inches long.  I did a catch and release with it using a broom and a dust pan.  I took it outside.  I was later told that the thing came into the school because of all the rain and that it was poisonous. Good thing, I didn’t try to kill it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

4:40 AM View

 Back to work.  What will I do today?  I’ll administer some speaking tests while cajoling some of the kids to practice their speaking.

6:42 PM View

 Back in JJ.  Work, of sorts, Thursday & Friday.

What is worse?  A typhoon or having one’s wife mad at you?  I think the latter.  Either way, one has to buckle down the hatches.

Mother of mercy !

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

7:34 AM View

 It’s nice to have a holiday while others don’t.

5:37 AM View

 For many of my teaching colleagues at other schools, today is not a holiday.  They’re doing classes.  Their holiday was Sunday, Monday & Tuesday,

Here’s a view from the kitchen.

5:48 PM View

 I’m still cheesed off about that selfish impatient bitch driver from the previous entry.  I find it hard to comprehend her level of selfishness and rudeness.  And I’ll admit I’m a selfish prick

Anyway, here are some photos I took at the nearby stadium after we came back from “Jia Zhou.”

And also while going to and fro the stadium:

That’s our building being blocked by the tree.

Some reflections:

Here are some photos of our building:  Building #2

 Building #2 is sticking out of my cap in the second photo.

Finally, more selfies:

3:44 PM View

 We went to the old apartment to see if the typhoon made a mess.  It did.  A window in the kitchen was blown wide open.  And objects were blown down from the upper floors

I took this reflection photo before driving to “Jia Zhou.”

There is an intersection near the new apartment where the lights weren’t working.  I was slowly making my way through the intersection, making a left turn, when this stupid impatient bitch driver tried to pass, on my left, as I was turning  As the writer of a book entitled “Whar’s Wrong with China” wrote a Chinese person proceeds through their day oblivious to other people around them.

3:22 PM View

 I just had a nap.  So, I feel groggy despite having drunk lots of coffee.

Monday, September 16, 2024

9:10 AM

 I’ve made a pot of coffee and gone outside the apartment to inspect the damage wrought by the typhoon.

Here are some videos:

Here are some photos:

7:00 AM View

 If you look at this photo closely, you’ll see some of the damage that the Typhoon wrought.

4:43 AM View

 Overnight, the yellow road became unflooded.

Some have asked how my Ctown Royal is doing.  Here’s a photo of it taken yesterday evening:

8:30 PM View


Tony’s bedroom light is on so you get what you paid for.

Typhoon Brianca, Belinda or Beluga seems to have subsided; but boy did it leave a mess in its wake.

I spent a passable evening watch a Dean Martin Celebrity Roast where Dean Martin was the man of the hour and so Don Rickles had to be the host,  Don’s wife couldn’t make because she swam in their swimming pool with her jewelry on and drowned.  Joe Namath wanted Dean to play him in his biopic:  Namath liked to throw bombs and Dean liked to get bombed.  Gabe Kaplan said he didn’t want to make Dean Martin drinking jokes.  So much talk of Dean’s drinking was crowding out knowledge of his many other vices.

4:43 PM View

 The main road in this photo is flooded in the area of the two apartment complexes.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

2:25 PM View

 In Wuxi.  The building is shaking.

We drove here.

A fence was blown down:

12:40 PM View

 My wife says she is going to come pick up and take me to Wuxi.  Is it a good idea?

11:24 AM View

 I just went downstairs to the apartment building entrance to see if it was okay to go outside.

It wasn’t.

7:26 AM View

 The typhoonish weather continues.  I don’t know when I’ll go to Wuxi.  Surely, the subway isn’t in operation 

Continued thoughts on the Jiangyin Friendship event I attended yesterday:

I like Filipinos.  They’re fun, kind people who love to sing and dance.  One I meet last night told me ha had relatives in Winnipeg.  He told he had heard it was cold there and  asked me what it was that they needed workers for: oil and gas?  It wasn’t that I told him.  I was then baffled as to what Manitoba’s economic purpose was.

I just heard that they have tried to assassinate Trump again.  Shots were fired.  Thankfully, they missed.  This attempt will probably be memory-holed like the first one.  If Trump doesn’t win the next election, it will be a time of evil.

Here’s a thought:  in two hundred years, historians will look at the social revolutions of the 20th and 21st century — lbgqt and all that — as an enlightenment, even though it looks messy now.  Not my thought so here are my responses :

- sounds like “you need to break eggs to make an omelet.”

- it is a cliche used by progressives to say that history will judge their policies as effective or that history is on their side.  Says NGD:  “History buries, without solving, the problems it raises.”;  “History shows not the inefficient of actions but the futility of intentions.”; “ The history of man is not the catalog of his situations, but the account of his unpredictable ways of using them.”;  “The individual believes in the “meaning of history” when the foreseeable future appears favorable to his passions.”   Why don’t they say that God will judge?

- So what you’re saying is for now, we’re screwed.  That is all living people.

- there are still plenty of people making solid arguments against the last enlightenment.

- most of humanity finds this social revolution unpalatable and always will.

5:58 AM View

 This view definitely looks Typhoonish.

I’m hungover from last week’s event.

Did I have a good time?  I did but I started off sour.  

Any regrets about my behavior ?  I said things that I later wonder if I should have said them.  I told these French teachers, from France, that I thought Quebec should be its own country.  Because that’s what they wanted.  And it would be less trouble for the rest of Canada.  I did add I saw no reason for Canadians to hate Quebec for separating.

I did get to practice my French with them which was good,

10:07 PM View

 I’m not in Wuxi.  The Jiangyin Friendship Event kept me later than my wife was willing to wait.  Hopefully, I can get to Wuxi tomorrow.  But there is a typhoon coming!

Here are photos from the event.

We got to dress up.

We made tea 

We tried our hand at calligraphy.

Quantity over quality in my case.

We then went to a barbecue.

I got interviewed.

I sang.

I made friends.