Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Condemn all forms of hate?

Kamala recently said this, but it is not only her who would say something so stupid.

Unless there is an another use for the word “hate” that no one ever bothered to tell rational people about, I assume “hate” to be a strong disliking of something.  Using that definition, some forms of hate are, if not commendable, at least justified.  For example, hatred of evil things and hatred of white liberals, to name two.

Another form of hatred that is commendable is that hatred of irrational bigotry. I assume that is the “hate” that Kamala and her ilk are striving to fight.  So they hate bigotry.  Why don’t they just say that and stop this stupid talk of fighting hate where they thus come across as hate-haters?  We can’t like everything and everyone, which eliminating hate would entail.  So, stop using illogical slogans and talking points about fighting hate.

And let’s say something for bigotry.  Humans being human, being fallen creatures, have a lot of things that can be said against them.  Things that bigots have a habit of saying.  Bigots should be thought of vessels of self-reflection.

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