Sunday, July 9, 2023

Defeated by the Humidity

 Sunday morning, I had been doing my daily reading and my special Sunday reading as well, on my bed in the old apartment with the A/C on.  It was relaxing and a most enjoyable way for me to use my leisure time, but I felt guilty.  I thought I should be going out in the afternoon and doing something else that would be a guilt free way to spend my time.

So, I told my son Tony, who was using his free time for gaming, that we were going to go out in the afternoon, after we had had lunch with Mom.  Tony agreed to the plan.

To get to lunch, we had to walk ten minutes to the building that contained my wife Jenny’s office.  Getting close to it, Tony complained about the humidity.  It was 32 degrees nazi (Celsius) and the air was damp like an unsqueezed sponge.  

While we had lunch, we talked of driving to the new apartment and exploring its environs.

This was the plan we were intent on as we walked back to the old apartment where we were to get in the car and drive to the new apartment.  But as we approached where our car was parked, Tony said it felt too hot to go anywhere.  Moist with sweat, I agreed.  

So, we didn’t go out in the afternoon.  The humidity was too much.

Wuxi is not a good place to be in Summer.

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