Wednesday, July 19, 2023

AKIC’s Ten Greatest and Why

  1. Nicolás Gómez Dávila: I love his aphorisms.  He is the proper combination of suspicion of leftism combined with suspicion of modernism.  He is the ideal escape.

  2. David Warren:  My favorite blogger: Catholic and Contrarian.

  3. Steve McQueen:  My favorite cool icon.  He became a serious Christian before his premature death.

  4. Evelyn Waugh:  My favorite writer. He was reactionary, was Catholic, had great style, and was very humorous,”

  5. Tony Esposito:  The coolest looking ice hockey goaltender of all time.  Thank God, he didn’t play in the cage mask era.

  6. Arnis Kaulins:  My father.

  7. Fred Astaire:  His dancing was great.  His on-screen aristocratic manner I wish I could emulate.

  8. TS Eliot:  My favorite 20th century poet.  

  9. Frank Sinatra:  The best singer.

  10. Don Rickles:  The greatest comedian.

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