Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Do you prefer chicken or?


A:  Do you prefer Chicken or Rasmaztaz?

B:  What is Rasmaztaz?

A:  Hey!  Just answer my question!

B:  Well.  Hey you!  Answer my question!  What is Rasmaztaz?

A:  That’s not your question!  Someone’s already asked that question.  But if you want it to be YOUR question, you’ll have to pay me 25 bucks.

B:  That’s expensive!

A:  Okay! I’ll let you have two questions for 25.  How’s that?

B:  Fine. (Hands over 25 bucks)

A:  In answer to the question that you can now rightfully call your own: Rasmaztaz is not Chicken.

B:  Are you trying to cheat me?

A:  Someone has already asked that question.  Five bucks, I’ll let you have it.

B:  Oh! Fine!  Here’s another five bucks. (Hands over)

A:  No. I am not.

B: Really?

A:  Yes.  Now answer my question:  Do you prefer Chicken or Rasmaztaz?

B:  Thirty Bucks!

A:  What?

B:  You’re selling questions.  I’m selling answers.

A:  Okay.  I’ll need you to lend me the money.

B:  Sure.  (Hands over the money)

A: Now we’re even! (Hands the thirty bucks back)

B:  I prefer Chicken.

A:  Thank you.  Thank you for your taking part in my survey.

B:  You’re welcome……




B:  Hey!  You still owe me a question!

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