Sunday, June 3, 2007

Patterson has a cold. Hobo fight.

I saw Patterson wear a leather jacket last night.  Why?  He has a summer cold.

I was conducting an Speaker's Corner Sunday afternoon that was briefly interrupted by a fight just outside the main floor window of the classroom I was in.   The building, our school is in, is beside a little park and also has a courtyard of sorts with benches on the other side.  Both these areas attract loiterers.  One particular person who is  homeless and mentally deranged has been lurking in both places for a month.  He may have one time tried to enter the school but he is harmless.  He was involved in a fight just beside where I was doing Speakers' Corner.  Another man, possibly another street person, had grabbed and twisted his arm so that he was screaming in pain for two or three minutes.  I had to look through the shades of the class room I was in to see the fight.  The students on seeing this laughed.  Theirs laughs were a little embarrassed and uneasy but they seemed mostly to be the laughs of people directed at others' misfortunes.  That is what torture is like I told the students.  I continued on with my SPC and a few minutes later looked out the window to see the victim of the arm-twisting throwing bricks, left over from last year's construction of the park, at his tormentor.

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