Saturday, June 23, 2007

I can say what I want. No one is reading this in China anyway.

You know what the Chinese do that is really disgusting?  They let their little children piss and shit on the street.

I told a student of mine who is going to study in a high school in England to beware that probably half the students there will be on drugs.  He was shocked to hear this.  But I am afraid it is true. 

China has a lot of ugly things to it.  But so does western culture. 

The Chinese do have some insistence on family.   In the West, families are falling apart.  Divorces though are increasing in China among those who can afford it.

Many of the newly rich in China do act like the boors that Communists always portrayed them as being.  Yet many of the newly rich are old party hacks who were given factories.

The Chinese, despite all their Socialism, are not Socialist at all in the provision of health care.  They are dependent on the family to help  them through in times of medical trouble.  While in the West, we often expect the State to help us.  Go to a People's hospital, you see Cashiers on every floor.  If the Communists were smart, they would not bring in Socialized health care.  As Marc Steyn says (I paraphrase), bring in Socialized medicine and you get an infantilized citizenry along with it.  The Communists are better off hoping a self-reliant population is too concerned about making money to care a fig for politics.

Many of the Trainers laugh at the Chinese for saying that having a child is a way for a couple to stay together.  They seem to think that couples should stay together because of romantic love.  No they should stay together because they promised each other they would.

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