Friday, June 28, 2024

9:37 AM View

 Look closely and you’ll see that most of the cars that were parked on the road have moved.  The ones still parked will get ticketed.

I drive my darling wife to her work.  I then parked the car and walked to the nearby stadium for some oval walking.  But there was ceremony for railway workers and the track was occupied.  I still did my reading and rosary on the terraces. 

As a people, the Chinese are what they are.  Affected by their circumstances, most of them are alright.  However, as drivers, they are worse than Nazis, Wokists, Pol Pott enthusiasts, and people who think Joe Biden is in control of his faculties.  Go through my blog, and you’ll find a litany of complaints I have against them.  Today, I’ll blog about two.

First, a fucking moron local driver, in front of us, slowed down and drifted between lanes.  We past him to see he was talking on his phone.

And then there was this:

This special person was stopped in front of the gate to the complex, playing on his mobile phone.  Being stopped where he was, was certainly an annoyance to anyone wanting to enter the complex.  What an unselfaware moron.

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