Tuesday, June 4, 2024

11:57 AM View

 Cloudy in JJ

Had a morning reading this morning.

I was reading a history of the Holy Roman Empire while I invigilated.

Here’s what I posted on the bulletin board in my classroom:

Detachment.  I am reading a book of prayers and meditations by Mother Angelica.  I read a passage on detachment. “My soul cries out for freedom, and the very will that reaches for deliverance from tyranny my soul a prisoner to myself.” I then open, on my e-book reader, the book ‘The Lord’ by Romano Guardini to a chapter entitled ‘’Attachment and Detachment.” A coincidence?  “Jesus roots his followers in the indestructible. Gently he immunizes them to all unreality: to the seeming authorities of the day, to the world's wise and powerful and traditionally revered, to the prevailing social and economic order, to the dangers that threaten property, limb and life. He is stripping them for the coming struggle: concentrating their forces, teaching them how to become invulnerable.”

This afternoon. water balloon fight.

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