Monday, June 17, 2024

1:29 PM View

 It’s too hot to go outside says my wife.

My son is aware that Biden is a zombie.  I say this because I wonder how much he knows about current affairs; there not being a TV Newshour show to watch,

I’ve been spending too much time on the phone this past week.  I really don’t have any other way to keep myself occupied.

Being a modern, I feel guilty because I should be doing something to make money.  The reactionary in me just wants to discuss ideas and practice my faith.  Any modern tuggings at my conscience should be ignored.

The memoirs of François René Vicomte de Chateaubriand that I’m reading are brilliant.  He’s Catholic, aristocratic and a great writer.  All his works are now on top of my reading stack.  I have heard of him thanks to my favorite blogger:

Now, I have to be able to say his name without having to look it up.

I’ve gotten out of the habit of praying the Rosary every day; I’m still in the habit of thinking I should be praying the Rosary every day.  Why have I fallen out?  Too many distractions.  But, my guardian angel does pull me back into it.  Yesterday, I prayed it at a McDonald’s while waiting for son who was getting a facial done.  Today, I should pray the sorrowful mysteries:  they’re my favorite.

Porzingus has won the NBA title.  I won’t say the name of the team for which he plays.

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