Sunday, June 2, 2024

3:36 PM & 5:23 PM Views

 Leaving the WJ apartment, I realized I forgot to take the usual view photo; so I instead took a photo of the view from the 27th floor elevator lobby.

We then drove to the gas station to fill up the car.  As we were leaving, someone pointed out to us that out passenger side rear tire was visibly losing air.  

Luckily, we were close to an automotive service park.  We went there and asked the first person we saw where we could get our tire repaired.  He directed us to here;

The tire was fixed in 15 minutes;

It only cost us 40 RMB. The tire had been punctured in three places and there was a thin nail in it as well.  

I wonder where the nail came from and why was it that it was not on the sidewall but was on the tire’s main thread.  Did someone do it deliberately?

Anywho, we’re back in JJ:

Safe and sound.

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