Wednesday, June 26, 2024

5:16 PM View

 My son Tony is at work now.  My darling wife is at work.  I’m on holiday.  I don’t see the advantage in it.  Guilt trips outweigh benefits.

Today I did this:

My wife has taken a disliking to the Kaiyi hospital so we’re going to do my appendectomy in the Wuxi Army Hospital.  This hospital is bigger and more crowded than the Kaiyi.  To drive around its parking lot is an adventure.  To take the elevators there is as annoying as driving in rush-hour traffic.  The place has an aged and worn out feel to it like every older building in China eventually has.

The hospital is called the Army hospital because it services army personnel and many of its staff are army people.  The doctor I had an appointment with was in uniform.  My wife wouldn’t let me ask what his rank was.  Researching on my own, I am lead to believe he was a Senior Colonel.  He had four stars on his epaulettes. He was well put out.

Later I did this:

It was a good thing that I found this because I would have had to put up with my wife’s constant moaning about losing this bracelet.

As we drove back from the Army Hospital, we saw this;

A car with four ‘8’s in its license plate.  This is considered very lucky in China; kind of like a license plate with lots of ‘7’s.  Anyway, its driver drove like a prick, at one point cutting into a queue.

In the afternoon, I took the Metro downtown.  I wandered around Nanchang temple to see how it had changed,  I was first there in 2003.

What will happen first?  650,000 page views at AKIC blogspot or 2,500,000 views at my YouTube channel.  I am closing in on both milestones.

All the while, I listened to this podcast:

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