Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Is China Asshole?; Hate Coming Home; Not a Good Sign; No Talking to Angry Jenny; Domestic Drama; Tony wants to move; Email Me! Please!

  • There was some Hong Kong person who has been praised for saying "China is Asshole!" To be honest, it is a sentiment that in my angry moments, I am fully in agreement with. But that is a horrible thing to say about a in-law, for China is my in-law. So, I am going to have to fair and sympathetic to China as I can. But far as I can tell, the Chinese authorities screwed up big time with this virus. (Note, I say the authorities.) The reason the authorities screw up is the political system that is in place in China. This has to be changed. If it could change from within the system, this would be a nice thing and a way for the Chinese authorities to redeem themselves. But I'm afraid it ain't going to happen. The Chinese authorities don't want to lose face. And this losing face thing is a Chinese thing as far as I can tell.

  • Coming home is not a pleasant thing for me. Because my wife Jenny is tiger-mother hell-bent on Tony's schooling, she can be in a foul mood when I get home. Sometimes, I arrive home and my wife will have a scowl on her face which means she is frustrated by Tony's schooling. Sometimes, if the door is open, I will walk into the apartment and be hit by a eerily dead silence. If I do say something, I will be growled at by either Jenny, who is frustrated by Tony's schooling, or Tony who is frustrated by being reemed out for hours on end by Jenny.

  • And I just witnessed how it can be bad for Tony when he arrives home. Upon arriving home with Tony on the evening of the 22nd, I saw Jenny ask Tony what his marks had been on some tests he had just written. He told her and she became very angry. "Oh no!" I muttered. "This is not a good sign!" For it appeared that I was going to have to listen to three hours of Jenny scream-tutoring Tony. You can just imagine how Tony must feel. Anyway, this was never my idea of a happy home. Never, once I have come home and asked how my day was in a pleasant manner. Why do Chinese women (or women in general) think vile bile is the way to make things better?

  • There is no point in asking Jenny why she is angry. She will say that I am not a good father and blah, blah, blah... I can't argue with someone who only responds in ad hominem arguments.

  • In turned out, on the 22nd, that Jenny did scream-tutor Tony for three hours. During this, Jenny & I had an argument. It started when Tony couldn't take Jenny's reeming him out, and he started waving his fists at her. I had to go to the study and get between them. Jenny then decided to attack me. She pushed me into the living room. Meanwhile, Tony put a set of dog tags on his neck found a hook on the wall and acted out trying to hang himself. I stopped him and then I tried to appeal to Jenny to do something about her temper. She just complained about how bad I was and how Tony's poor performance at school was making her look bad and how everyone was looking down on Tony. (Alas, Jenny's Chinese Face was the reason for this insanity.) She then said she wanted a divorce. She even offered to give all the money she had saved up if Tony & I moved to Canada. It wasn't worth responding to that. The only comfort I can take from this is that these sorts of domestic dramas are happening a lot in China and all over the world.

  • Tony tells me that he wants to move to Canada. I can blame him for wanting to because I couldn't handle my mother screaming at me for three hours every night in a desperate attempt to save her face.

  • Comments? Email me at

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