Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday with Tony

  • AKIC took a bath with TKIC Wednesday night.  TKIC enjoyed pouring water on AKIC's head.  However, when AKIC tried to do likewise to TKIC, TKIC protested something vehement.
  • AKIC and TKIC ran with abandon around the apartment, which isn't an easy thing to do in an apartment that is 90 square meters.  It was the perfect son and father activity -- both got exercise, TK was laughing, TK wasn't watching television, and TK tired himself so he went to Bed early and AK could read Dune and the The Violent Bear It Away in peace.
  • AKIC was also reading Teach Yourself Latvian.  AK figures that he since he is very good at Chinese, he might as well not be very good at Latvian also.

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