Friday, May 31, 2024

9:31 PM View

 I’m typing this blog entry in my JJ apartment bedroom 

Between taking the photo above and laying myself on the bed, I had a tumble down the stairs from which I’m still smarting.  I was thinking about what  I was going to put in this blog entry and didn’t pay attention to the bottom set of stairs curving,  

I planned to blog about being a Laowai in JJ.  As I was walking the campus and taking video for todzy’s AKIC Daily, I heard someone say ´Laowai’.  I looked up and saw three male students leaning on a third floor railing looking at me.  I walked on feeling a little self-conscious.  I later was driving in downtown JJ.  Stopped at a light, I noticed that the driver on my right was staring at me in a manner that screamed ‘there’s a Laowai driving!’  I felt self conscious for an instant.

This is the book I was currently reading:  

A good read.  I found it because my favorite blogger David Warren mentioned its author.

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