Saturday, May 18, 2024

1:33 PM View

 After lunch.  I went to visit my wife at her work.  I was still in the doghouse 

It would be quite the exercise to count the number of tall apartment blocks and skyscrapers one can see from out 27th floor balcony. I reckon I’d count at least fifty.

I’ll talk about two books I finished reading recently,

The first one:  Why Architecture Matters by Paul Goldberger.  It was not an enjoyable read for me.  Perhaps because the author thought good things of Le Corbusier whom a better writer, I know, loathes.  Too Modernist was the book and thus not inspirational for me,

The second one:  Lost in Math by Sabine Hossenfelder.  I read it mostly with glazed eyes.  I got the idea that the subatomic is very complicated, and that while the study of it has come up with knowledge that has led to the micro processor revolution, physicists seem to have come to a dead end with theories, not being proven by observation.  The author discussed how they want their theories to be beautiful, which doesn’t seem like an idea that can be mathematically defined.  When I was able to understand what the author was writing about, I got annoyed like when the author use Paul Krugman as the representative of the economic profession, and then mentioned the gender gap, so-called.

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