Tuesday, May 21, 2024

3:59 PM View

 Back from my one class and my trip to the Jiangyin Tax Bureau.  Not great experiences but they could have been worse, I suppose.

The one class, I tried to prep the students, at least the ones who were taking it, for a listening test they have this Thursday.  Half the students didn’t pay attention to the audio.  They were either playing on their devices or sleeping.  Some fell asleep during the audio.  Their English is at such a poor level that they probably decided to throw in the towel.  Sad.  

At the Tax Bureau, it seems that the document I supplied was sufficient, but the problem I am having with the system will have to be fixed by background tech guys.  These could take a couple weeks.

In a couple weeks, the summer holiday will begin.  Hopefully, I can just ride it out with a modicum of grace.

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