Sunday, May 12, 2024

6:44 PM View

 It’s a beautiful spring evening here in Yu Shan Wan, Jiangyin, People’s Republic of China.

The photo shoot was done.  It was a grand spectacle with a big however.

The video above shows the spectacle of it.  HOWEVER, it was sad in a big way.  While, posing in the panoramic photo was nice, we had to pose for photos with our International department AL students.  Somewhere along the line, we lost them.  They became unmotivated and unresponsive and some other things which are best left unwritten.  The taking of the AL photo was not enjoyed by teachers or students.  There was little interaction between us and them.  Sad.  I hope the students eventually will mature and come to regret their behavior.  I hope their behavior doesn’t completely screw their future.

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