Saturday, May 18, 2024

6:53 AM View

 I’m in the doghouse today for two reasons: I really annoyed my wife last night and I forgot to do something very important for myself,

Last night, I went out with the boys.  I spent too much on beer, spent too much on the taxi home, got home too late, and really mistreated my body which will be operated on next month.  My wife pointed this out to me this morning but it was her latter point who h I hadn’t thought about till she pointed it out to me.

Yesterday was Nicolás  Gómez Davila’s birthday and I forgot to mark it as I had been planning all month.  I thought that his birthday was to be on Sunday when it was on Saturday.  My AKIC Daily Video will show the moment when I came to this realization.

Oh well.  What can I say?  Time will cure my first doghouse facts.  My wife will find something else for which to criticize me.  I will have to do belated but restrained things to honor NGD today.

Here is a photo of He Man Summit 3:

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