Friday, March 8, 2024

8:20 AM View

 Saturday morning, I am lazing.  Hence the later AM view time.

So far, since my return from medical leave, I haven’t lost my temper.  This must be because I don’t have the energy and I have resigned myself.,,

My routine lately involves reading the Catholic Thing App, the Universalis App, and listening to readings and prayers on the Hallow app.  Maybe these are keeping my disposition gentle.  My routine still involves reading on the Feedly app.  I’m only using the substack app occasionally; I should use it more

I like my Jiangyin apartment.  It’s roomy and quirky.  If you’ve seen videos on my YouTube channel, you may have noticed the strange setup of the upper floor where there is a stairwell practically between the kitchen and the dining area.  Knowing I’ll only be in the apartment for a short time, I appreciate it.

I haven’t drunk alcohol in over a month.  I miss it somewhat but not so much.  Going to bed early is a better crutch.

Why are political leaders today so unimpressive?  Biden, Trudeau are people who command attention because they were weaseled into their positions,  And much as justice requires that Trump regain the presidency, Trump’s assuredly great abilities won’t be enough to deal with the blob that is the American administrative state.  Forces that are ever present yet lurking seem to want it this way.  A real leader of substance is the enemy of entrenched bureaucracies the world over.

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