Monday, March 18, 2024

4:43 PM View

 Monday done.

Done did Monday.

Made a ninety second long Daily Video you can watch on my YouTube channel.

Have not slept well recently.  I go to bed at 9:00 PM but am still awake at 3:00 AM.  Finally I feel sleepy at 4:30 AM; but at 5:00 AM I have to arise.

I listened to a podcast about a gentleman from the 20th century named George Kennan.  He was said to be for a country minding its own business, against Communism, against Democracy, and for hierarchies.  He seems like a good egg and so I must read things about him and by him,  He wrote like Edward Gibbon apparently.

I’m still not right in the stomach area.  There is always a discomfort in the pit of my stomach.

Took video of the eggs I bought, my air fryer, my coffee pod machine and the kitchen sink.

God, I hope my family in Canada is doing well.

I listened to a podcast interview with a half brother of Justin Trudeau.  The half brother was not at all impressed with Justin’s performance.  The half brother lives in the states and is a RFK supporter.  It would be interesting if Tucker interviewed him.

The JQ was brought up on the James Howard Kunstler podcast.  K is J and admits he is ashamed of what some of his fellow Js are doing.  Some of them are spearheading the lawfare against Trump and the J6ers, as well as the movements in some cities to not prosecute crime.

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