Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Thoughts and Anecdotes about the Convoy

 Some of the Canadians I have encountered on Social Media are in support of the truckers; some I know are not.  One of my contacts sent me video of the convoy that he had taken as he stood on the roadside and cheered the honking truckers on.  He said it was great to witness history.  Some others I have chatted with were very disdainful, to say the least.  One of my contacts blocked or deleted me.  He said he was angry about the alleged Terry Fox statue desecration.  I pushed back saying it was the MSM trying to discredit the protest and nothing more.  He swore at me and then Messenger told me he was no longer available.

I have been listening to a lot of podcasts talking about the convoy.  The convoy has attracted interest from podcasters in the UK and the USA.  

A great new nickname for our current Canadian PM:  Jacinda Trudeau.

I’ll never vote for Conservatives as long as O’Toole is their leader.  With Jacinda, the stupidity is built-in, but O’Toole, you think, would know better.  Perhaps the big Zero’s idea of conservatism is progressive conservatism. He is perhaps more despicable than Jacinda. 

The protesters should not insist they are nice and not violent.  That’s playing into the Left’s hands.  That’s making it seem like the Left has a point.  The Left are idiotic on so many points.  The Left lie.  Nothing the Left says should be heeded or even responded to.  Do real adults take the prattling of immature children seriously? Of course not.  The protesters merely have to say the bullshit has to stop.  Talk like adults and put the fear of God into the liberals and progressives and wokesters and covid-bedwetters.

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