Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Hierarchies and AKIC; Just along for the Ride; Pretentious: that's me!; Rotten Chestnuts; Rush Limbaugh; Names for the New Covid Mutations; AKIC Blog Census

Hierarchies.  Reactionaries say they exist and are necessary.  Liberals are said to not believe in them; and yet they act like they do by always trying to be high on the hierarchy of virtuousness.  

What this this hierarchy talk entail for me?  I have spent most of my life wishing to be up high and thus I have been a status seeker in my life. But I have tried to go about seeking status in a lazy way by hoping to meet the right people who would somehow take me in.  Now that it has dawned on me that I was so stupid in the passive way I tried to go about this search, I find myself stuck in a situation where I am without a hierarchy.  I now am an outsider who is feeling like an untouchable.  An untouchable without other untouchables to be with.  And ultimately, I am without purpose, which is what hierarchies provide to everybody.

The reactionaries are right when they say we have to accept our stations in life and do the best we can within those stations.  Having been so individualistic in my life however, I have sought not my true station but a station where I had these false notions that I could be happy and of higher status than really, I was deserving.  Consequently, I now feel I am without a station of any sort, unless it is being an untouchable without being one of the untouchables.

It boils down to this question:  Where am I am the hierarchy?  In my optimistic and pessimistic moments, I overshot the mark.

I got a personality which does what it wants it whether I, that be the thinking part of me, wants it not.  When it comes to being me, I am just along for the ride.

Oh God, I pray, give me a purpose!

Oh, why pretentious self-absorbed drivel I write!  Who am I trying to be?  Obama without a tan?

A blog, I read religiously, Rotten Chestnuts, begins its latest entry thus:  this time, I got nothing.  It then proceeded to have something.  

Rush Limbaugh.  They say he's racist.  They being the people who have never taken the time to actually listen to him, or the people who do listen to him and yet try to misconstrue everything he says.  What he always has been is anti-White-Liberal, anti-shitlib.  His shtick has to be to mock these supposed self-critical thinkers.

Covid-20 has come quicker than the cynics predicted.  Since it is being classified as a mutation, I will call it instead Divoc-19 or Civod-911.

Blog Census.  Does anyone read this blog?  Email me at andiskaulins@qq.com if you do.  

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