Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 was the Year of:

  • Stupidity. The reaction to the Covid situation on the part of the ruling class was overwrought to say the least. Either it was the result of them taking advantage of a crisis to take get more power, or they caught the Chinese hypochondriac bug. Don't attribute to machinations, what you can attribute to stupidity. Also, despite the many phony votes for Biden, there were far too many people who did. Also, AOC, BLM and Antifa.

  • Cowardice. Why did so people who knew better, put up with the liberal progressive stupidity. Why didn't Trump have the rioters shot? Why didn't the Churches protest the curtailment of the rights of people to worship?

  • Control Freak Absolutism. The premier of Manitoba, Brian Palace Hitler. The Governor of Michigan, whatever the bitch's name is. Care Home Cuomo from New York State. The governor of California (who didn't follow his follow rules. Hypocrite.) The mayor of Los Angeles. The Prime Minister of the UK. All these people should be ashamed of themselves. They should all be buried in a common graveyard, so that it can be an annual event for common people to come spit on their graves. Covid could have been fought reasonably without turning the world into an airport security zone.

  • Oggily Boogily. It's another word for systemic racism. Also, it is another word for social distancing protocols. It's also another word for white supremacy. It is what motivated the Karens of the West. (I never saw any in Wuxi.)

  • Furrow-browed stupidity. Luckily, I haven't had to deal with many Covid-bedwetters or Liberals this year. But when I have and I have been saying what's what, I see them go all furrow-browed before they use an ad hominiem on me. I have been called racist and a white nationalist by these types.

  • China is Asshole. Let's not forget the virus came from China, and that China behaved in a very dishonest manner about it. However, I don't believe the virus came from some lab. What I think happened is that China's reaction to the virus was that of a hypochondriac, and it was the hypochondriac mindset more than the virus itself that infected a West already suffering from complications brought on by snowflakeism.

  • Tech censorship. I have had to live with it here in China, but now Facebook and YouTube are practicing it. What they have done to dissident voices, the Hunter Biden story and now the election fraud story is evil.

  • Hysteria. A Karen crashes a baptism ceremony at a Catholic Church where they are practicing the covid protocols and shrieks that the people there are killing people.

  • Lies. Covid stats were often lies or at the least, presented without context. Trump was slurred as being a bigot. The truth is he is no more a bigot, and probably even less, than Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, BLMers, Antifaers, the Chinese and every redneck-hating progressive.

  • Evil. It was a good year for Satan.

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