Thursday, November 25, 2010

Drunk like a skunk, it is hard to catch a taxi in Wuxi, China.

I don't know this from personal experience, but from observation.

On the evening of Thursday, November 26, 2010, I observed two very drunk men try to flag down a taxi.  Twenty-or-so empty taxis drove past them without stopping.

The pair then crossed the street.  The drunker of the men sat on the curb, and waited for the other man to catch a taxi.  This the other man was then able to do very easily, and so the drunker man stood up and crawled into the back of the taxi.


San said...

Hi, I run across your blog and I find a lot of useful information here. Thank you for posting. I am planning to go to Wuxi later this year, but since I will be traveling with very young kids, I think getting around with Taxi is probably easier although more expensive.

The only other thing I am not sure of is whether it is easy to flag a taxi for certain parts of Wuxi, especially if it is a bit outside of the commercial area.

From your experience, how difficult is it to flag a taxi from
1. Lingshan Buddha
2. Sanguo city
3. Turtle head islet
4. Li garden
5. Jichang garden
6. Nanchan temple

Also, is a car seat/booster seat required for a 1 year old in China while riding a taxi?


San said...

Hi, I run across your blog and I find a lot of useful information here. Thank you for posting. I am planning to go to Wuxi later this year, but since I will be traveling with very young kids, I think getting around with Taxi is probably easier although more expensive.

The only other thing I am not sure of is whether it is easy to flag a taxi for certain parts of Wuxi, especially if it is a bit outside of the commercial area.

From your experience, how difficult is it to flag a taxi from
1. Lingshan Buddha
2. Sanguo city
3. Turtle head islet
4. Li garden
5. Jichang garden
6. Nanchan temple

Also, is a car seat/booster seat required for a 1 year old in China while riding a taxi?
