Wednesday, November 4, 2020

US Election Reaction

A few weeks ago, I watched the series of Putin Interviews done by Oliver Stone.  I watched it and found I liked Putin and I admired how he stood up for the Russian people.  Note, I say this as a Latvian who has many issues with Russians.  A most interesting part of the interview was when Stone asked Putin who he wanted to win the 2016 US presidential election.  Putin wisely didn't answer the question, but he did make what I thought was an acute and prophetic observation of the US political system:  the US president has to deal with a strong bureaucracy.

This explains a lot and what has happened that last four years in America since Trump became president.  Currently, it is why Trump is right to claim the election is being stolen from him, and why he is right to not concede the election without a fight, a good fight, a fight that is a big f*** U to the swamp, or what Putin termed the strong bureaucracy.

Why can it be declared most certain, that the election was/is being stolen?

First, there is the way that the strong bureaucracy has behaved to Trump.  There was the Russia-gate nonsense.  It was a story concocted by the Hilary election team to deflect attention from the fact of her highly illegal mail server and the fact that some idiot at the DNC opened an email that was clearly an invitation to scamming and hacking.  Then there was the nothing burger of an impeachment over the phone call with the Ukrainian leader.  It turned out that the Bidens were engaged in corruption in Ukraine, and the impeachment was a way to deflect attention from it.  The efforts of the strong bureaucracy supporting media then to suppress the story before the election was telling.  

Second, there are all the Democrat strong bureaucracy election "innovations" that are surely an invitation to fraud like no-I.D. voting, mail in balloting, lowering the voting age, and allowing illegal aliens to vote.  When Trump mentioned this, they tried to pre-empt Trump by saying that he was going to protest the election and that somehow, he was being fascist in doing so.  Scoff they will about Trump's contentions, but that is because they can't disprove the potential for fraud.

Third, it is hard to believe that a party that has been truly awful the last four years could win the presidential election.  They have lied and allowed looters and murderers to terrorize normal law-abiding Americans.

The strong bureaucracy doesn't deserve to have power peacefully transferred to it.  Trump is well within his rights, to piss on their parade, and I hope that he and the good Americans that voted for him don't take what is being done to their country lying down.

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