Sunday, November 15, 2020

Friday the 13th; Covid and Trump; Annoying CTV News Updates; Trump: A Great Revealer of Character; Joe Biden; Sunday the 15th; Tony's School is Run like a Government Bureaucracy; the People Running the World are Insane!

Thursday night.  My son Tony & I are having a phone call.

Tony:  Do you know what day is tomorrow?

Me:  Friday the 13th.

Tony:  Yes!

For Tony, the significance of the day has to do with the movies of the same name; for me, it's about superstition.  I like to say I am superstitious but in a practical way.  If it gives you peace of mind, do it.

A speaker's corner attendee asked me if I thought that Trump lost the election because of the Covid.  I told him that the election had not been decided.  He kept on talking like he had only heard the mainstream portrayal of events.

These CTV news updates that I get on my phone about the Covid seem alarmist and surreal.  Canada has gotten the Chinese hypochondriac virus.

Can you trust anything about the news?

Trump has blown up everything in my eyes.  He has shown me that it is a mistake to even say that Democrats have good intentions.  He has shown that most Republicans are feckless.  He has shown the liberal democracy is a scam.

Joe Biden sucks lemon rinds.

Joe Biden always forgets to flush the toilet.

Joe Biden puts potpourri in his pant pockets.

Sunday the 15th, I drove Tony downtown so he could take some music classes that my wife Jenny had set up for him.  While he was doing this, I wandered about the area or sat in the car reading.  In the area, there was the grand canal over which many bridges had been built, so I looked at them and watched the boat traffic.  You can go to my photo blog to see the photos I took.  In the car, I did my usual daily reading requirements, that is the reading that I require myself to do.  While I was sitting there reading, some woman in a white Audi SUV tried to parallel-park her car behind mine.  I watched her, thinking she was cutting into the space too soon.  And she hit our car, or at least i thought she did.  She then just drove down the street and I saw her struggle to park her SUV in another space.  I went out to examine our car and saw it had been scuffed.  When I wiped away the paint, it was hardly noticeable.  I just didn't feel like confronting the woman about it, but I stared at her as she walked down the sidewalk past our car.  Why I didn't explode in a rage seemed inexplicable to me.

This international school that Tony is attending (NKCS Wuxi) does seem to be run like a Canadian federal government bureaucracy, in that it talks a good game about serving the parents, but a bureaucratic wall separates the parents from the actual staff.  

I write this after I was suddenly not allowed to accompany Tony to the entrance of his dorm house on Sunday, the 15th.  

Most of the world has gone fucking insane.  We have had this unnecessary lockdown caused by Chinese people's hypochondria and the election of a stupid senile man to the US presidency.  I know the kingdom is not of this world, but world get your act together!!!

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