Monday, November 30, 2020

Being in the Moment; Tony & Jenny Conflicting; Made to Put on the Mask; What Load of Bravo Sierra 2020 Has Been!; Thanksgiving; Tony & Jenny Peacing;

I wish I could be in the moment, but often I find myself observing myself think I am in the moment, but really, I am pretending.  This happens a lot in Speaker's Corners where a student is talking and in mind, I stand there and think to adopt the posture of one who is listening intently to what the other person is saying, but really, I am posing.

My son Tony & my wife Jenny are conflicting.  In the past week, Tony has hung up twice on his mother where their conversations became too heated.  I find myself sympathetic to Tony because Jenny, being a Chinese mother, can be awfully harsh on her son.  This is not to say that Tony doesn't need a good kick in the ass sometime, or even every day but, Jenny, like all Chinese mothers, seems to this foreigner, to be over doing it.  She makes Tony become so intensely angry that he doesn't know how to control himself. (And there have been a few cases in my time of children killing themselves because of overzealous parents.)

My mask wearing habit is as follows:  I put on the mask to avoid hassles, but I take the mask off or put the mask off my face as soon as the opportunity arises.  So, when I am on the bus or train, I usually have the mask down.  Thursday the 26th, I had my mask down while on the subway platform and was made to put it on by some uniformed person.  I suppose I should thank my lucky starts that I wasn't in Canada.  Doing what I am doing there would have surely resulted in a hundred dollar fine.

What bravo sierra!!

If Trump can't get back the election that was stolen from him, it will further prove that 2020 has been one of the worse years on record.  And for humanity, it has basically been an own-goal:  one of the worse own-goals since the 1914-1918 war.

Thursday was American Thanksgiving Day.  I asked the students at my Speaker's Corner what they were thankful for, and they had to say the Communist Party and Chairman Mao.  In my mind, I put the finger in my mouth and pretended to vomit.  These retired schoolteachers are grateful for their pension.

I publish this entry on a Tuesday.  There has been peace between my son Tony and my wife Jenny.

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