Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Latvian; Thank you!; Should I stay or should I go?; the Black Dog, Stand Off; Parent Teacher Meetings; Pain; Cold Winter?; I Take Part in a Company Video

I said something a few entries back about composing Latvian sentences to put into my blog entries.  Then, I didn't.  Oops!

So here it goes:

Sveicieni!  Es esmu Andis Kaulins!  Man ir latviešu senči!  Es dzīvoju ļaunajā Komunistiskajā Ķīnā.  Es esmu angļu valodas skolotājs.

And I have been further remiss.  Thank you, very rare reader indeed, for taking the time to read my blog.  If you have any comments, email me at or, or both.

I would like to go back to Canada and take Tony with me.  But Canada has become so stupid that the likelihood of it ever not having an intelligent leader seem remote.  It will be stuck with some Trudeau or Progressive "Conservative" as PM forever.  Maybe, I am best stuck here where I am not one with the locals, I can keep to myself and I don't have to deal with many Karens or Shitlibs.

I blog this after reading dissident right bloggers in the States wondering about countries, they can move to in order to escape the Stalinists eager to wreak vengeance on those who supported Trump.

The black dog hits every once in a while.  The feeling of being not worthy of the salary I get seems too much to bear.  The dark year that is surely coming because of the Covid panic derailing my travel plans for 2021 darkens my mood as well.  But I pray the rosary and to my guardian angel, and so I can look at the depression as what it is, a physical affliction that has to borne with like the toothaches and stomach aches that afflict me as well.

On the way to work and writing this entry, I walked down this narrow two-lane street which has a fence in the middle.  The street has a hospital on it, so if one goes down this street, one is trapped in a lineup of people waiting to get into the hospital.  I assume the street is one way, because I have seen taxis driving in the left lane to avoid the lineup in the right lane.

Anyway, as I was walking to work and to write this blog entry, I saw a taxi driver and a deliver driver, on a e-bike, having a stand-off.  Each wanted the other to back up.  The delivery driver was going against traffic and attempting to enter the hospital compound.  The taxi driver was trying to make his way down the road.

Friday the 20th, I will be going to Tony's school for Parent Teacher Meetings.  I will see more laowei in two hours than I have seen in the last year.  I would like to tell the teacher with the gobblely-gook talk in messages to shove it, but I will be nice.  Tony apparently likes this teacher.

On the 18th, I did a Speaker's Corner about Pain.  Most painful thing you ever experienced. I asked.  One student misunderstanding said she never had much pain in her life.  I got similar lack or response from the students, all of whom were older women.  So, I had to give the answer I was expecting:   childbirth.  The one student then said it was very painful.  Then another student said abortion was painful also...  I shrugged to myself.

The student who talked about abortion being painful, then said something about Jack Ma, China's most successful businessman, being a bad man.

A student told me the upcoming winter will be cold because it was warm on November 18th.

I took part in a video where I was the laowei visiting a company.  I had a hard time acting naturally, for I was telling myself, all the time, to act naturally.  I was also telling myself to bring out my inner Steve McQueen, and act minimally, but that only made myself more self-conscious.

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