Friday, November 29, 2024

4:34 PM View

 It’s Friday.  End of the going to school week.

I’m not going to Wuxi after all.  My son Tony says he got football practice tomorrow.  

My weekend plans?  Maybe do some lesson planning.  Maybe go for a long walk.  Maybe go to Monte’s.  Maybe go to church.  Maybe do some reading.  Blogging. Video making. Maybe talk to Canada.

Now for some odds and sods.

There are I am relaxing in the closet of my classroom.  It’s a privilege that awards me double the privacy I already have.  On the off chance a student or a colleague wants to talk to me, it will be harder for them to find me. (When I say off chance, I really mean no chance, though I don’t want to risk it.)

I avoided colleagues today.

Last class, I was trying to get students to get away from their phones to answer some Jeopardy questions.  They didn’t know the English word for panther.

Collected writing from today and yesterday that I jotted in the notes app:

I’m not equipped for social gatherings.  I’m attracted to them and I’m repelled by them.  Then, I wish I was somewhere else but don’t know where that somewhere else is.  I don’t want to feel trapped so I pace and feel all the more trapped.

How did the grade 12s behave?  They were in and out.  No one wanted to talk to them.

Then came the deluge.  My deluge.

I finished reading my Penguin Classics version, which I bought in Canada at a used book shop, of The Memoirs of Chateaubriand.  A satisfying read.  It was a slow read so I could savor its contents like it was a fine French wine.  It’s last word:  Eternity.

I often thought to write my memoirs, but they would be a bore unless I had a proper use of irony combined with a lack of self awareness.

Sun setting behind a mountain near our apartment.

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