Friday, November 29, 2024

11:15 PM View

 This is a “I can’t fall asleep” view photo entry.  I turned out the lights at 8:00 PM and I have been tossing and turning since.  My goal is to get up at 4:30 AM and walk to the interchange: something I did in September.

One nice thing about taking the photo was that I was able to see stars in the sky: not something I have done in China before.

Visit my anti-blog and read the entry I made about the Z man and Star Trek.  He explained the attraction of the original Star Trek series:  it was about a brotherhood going on a journey.  If we’re lucky, said the Z man, we can be part of a brotherhood living and having adventures.  I, alas, have not been so lucky.  My journey has been solo, especially in China.  When my sojourn in China comes to an end, there won’t be need for a farewell dinner.  I should in fact hope there’s no farewell dinner.  I won’t have any friends to thank.  I would have to listen to lies or empty words if there was as well,

It is also why I should pray to not do anything for and on my 60th birthday.*  Greetings from my Mom is all I need, and really I should be thanking her.  I should thank God as well to still have a Mother alive at such an advanced age.

* My birthday is December 24th.  Rare reader, don’t bother sending me birthday wishes.  Not that I think you were going to… you never fucking reply to my requests for correspondence.  So fuck you!

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