Friday, November 4, 2022

A Bountiful Supply

 A toilet with a bountiful supply of toilet paper.  That’s all I need.

I like doing crosswords.  When I get stuck solving one, I put it down; and when I pick it up later I find I can solve it in five minutes.  The answers seem to magically come to me.

I know this guy who likes to make jokes about money that go along the line of “Having a good day? That’ll be 200 RMB!”  I thought it was hilarious to tell him I found money that was used as a page marker in a book.

My son Tony is failing Math, Chemistry and Physics.  He’s good at drumming though.

How to explain poetry to kids whose English is bad?

I learned a new word: Invigilator.  This is what you call the person who monitors or runs an exam.  It was invigorating!

I see that when something is ultimately subjective, the people in charge will do a lot of circumlocution.

The stupid progressives had to make the P Pelosi incident political. 

The washing machine in my Jiangyin apartment has a cycle for washing underwear.  But there is no socks cycle! What am I to do?

It’s an insult to humanity to say that 81 million of them voted for Joe Biden.

Define democracy.  Is it majority rules?  Is it giving everyone what they want?  Is it that the Democrats always win?

A: I was digging near your apartment and found 10,000 in cash!

J: It’s probably mine.

A: Okay. Come and get it! I’m on the north side of your apartment.

J: There is another apartment on the north side.

A: in that case, I must mean the south side.

J: There’s another apartment building there.

A: Well in that case, I must mean the east side.

J: You’re 270 degrees screwed up.

A: Really? At first, I though it was 180. But 270 could easily be 90 degrees depending on which way you come from it.

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