Monday, November 18, 2019

Globalists; Multiculturalism; Go Bombers Go!; Alzheimer's and Tiger-Mothering; A Game of Catch; Minnesota Twins Program

  • I had a conversation class with a student who had been to Germany, France and Italy where he was looking at factories. The folks he was talking to were, he told me, were all globalists. They hated Trump, wished Brexit didn't happened, and thought that huge trade zones were a great way to mix cultures. To the student, I had to explain the mindset of the people who were voting for Trump and Brexit. The price of cheap stuff I said was the destruction of communities. The people running these global businesses were basically screwing their own people, the people of their communities.

  • Were some cultures better than others? I asked the students I had in a class about multiculturalism. They said no but then I talked about cultures where sinners were thrown to their deaths, and I had them hemming and hawing.

  • The Winnipeg Cheese Blintzes will play the Hamilton Tater Tots in Sunday's Gravy Cup Final for the Championship of the Canadian Foodball League.

  • Alzheimer's is a terrible disease because it takes away a person's memories. Chinese tiger-mothering is a terrible practice because it doesn't give a child a chance to have a memorable childhood. People are nothing if they don't have memories.

  • On Sunday, November 17th, Tony and I played catch, with baseball and gloves, at the Hui Shan Sports Center. We found a spot where there were few people, the lighting was good and there was a wall behind Tony so he didn't spend most of his time running after balls he couldn't catch because of my uncoordinated throws or his uncoordination. I am glad to say that he showed improvement and was catching the faster balls I was throwing directly at him. I was even gladder at just being able to do a father-son thing.

  • Tony still intently studies the program we got at the Minnesota Twins game in August.

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