Thursday, April 14, 2011

Friday for you; not for me.

  • Friday is it.  But I work weekends.
  • Last evening as I was riding home on the bus, I passed an accident scene involving two trucks towing tanker trailers.  The trailers were moving together as they attempted to make right turns at an intersection.  The front truck was in the midst of its right turn when it stopped.  I saw an electric bike had collided with it -- the bike and its rider were strewn about.  The second truck had stopped in the turning lane -- on its right side was a car that had been hit.  The car had gotten on the right side of the truck which had turned wide to make a right turn.  Drivers here do have a habit of going into a space without properly judging the traffic situation.  Back in Canada, I never liked to be on the right side of a truck because of the danger of being in the truck's blind spot.
  • In a Canadian election debate, the Liberal opposition leader used a Chairman Mao quote along the lines of let the flowers of democracy bloom.  Maybe, I should ask the students about it in my speaker's corner.  I have chosen the topic of lizards for this SPC.  I sometimes like to challenge myself into make conversation with the most obscure of topics.
  • In the Wuxi China Expatdom, the former King of Wuxi has been captured.
  • Here is a video of Tony trying on his mother's glasses.
  • I am a Canucks fan for now (till the Jets go back to Winnipeg. Cross my fingers!).  They are playing the Chicago Black Hawks in a first round playoff series.  And there is a teacher from Chicagoland working at our school.  Unfortunately, he doesn't follow the Black Hawks.  Still, I will have to taunt him.
  • I have placed a few more links in the links for intelligent people sidebar.  A few bloggers have been kind enough to tell me they have read my blog.  So please check out the Asian Conservative, China Travel Go, and Cristy Li links.
  • I have also updated some other links in that side bar, including my other blogs.

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