I should have taken a view photo two and one half hours ago. I forgot. Oh well. Better late than never.
I drove my wife to her work. I wait for my son to get up so I can drive him to his boxing class.
I plan to walk laps of the track, despite the rain.
I took this photo when I got back from driving my wife Jenny to work:
I can back in; the two other idiots who park near us, now, can’t.
Doing a lot of driving lately, I have not yielded till now to the temptation to complain about the drivers, but this morning, I saw a bit of impatient driving and now I am “inspired.” There is a book about China, that was written over a hundred years ago, titled “What is Wrong with China.” A memorable passage in it made the observation that an Chinaman travels through his day being totally oblivious to others. I can attest to seeing many examples of Chinese drivers being this way. I have seen many make right turns without looking, cutting into queues, and making u-turns when and where traffic conditions would suggest they shouldn’t, This morning, I saw a driver make a right turn into a road full up with moaning rush hour traffic. Why the driver that was cut off didn’t give him the what-for was a mystery to me.
Funny how I was all primed to watch the Stanley Cup game 7, only to have it slip my mind. I learned the Oilers lost from my son who dejectedly told me what had happened. My first reaction was it slipped my mind. I didn’t bother to watch the highlights. Game 7s in hockey now are boring to watch. The games are close checking and teams play not to lose more than they try to win.