For AKIC, the current crisis has been completely experienced in Casa Kaulins. To while away the time, I have been downloading, reading, watching video, doing some household tasks, waiting for my cold to go away, doing a few things on social media, praying (not out of desperation but observing the habit I have told myself I should have), watching my wife Jenny tiger-mother tutor Tony, thinking, and doing this: blogging.
The news of flights being cancelled to and from China doesn't really affect me. I was going to be stuck here any way.
I have been watching old movies. One day for the duration of the crisis and my being a Casa Kaulins homebody.
I finished reading VDH's Case for Trump which has reenforced my feeling about the president. Trump is flawed but better than everybody else there. The best part of the book was VDH drawing parrallels between Trump and many characters from famous Hollywood Westerns. Trump has gotten himself in a situation where he has to save the day in the manner of Shane or the John Wayne character in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Trump is the hero who will never get the credit he deserves.
An even more impressive book I read was The Chrysanthemum and the Sword by Ruth Bendict. It is a book about the Japanese written after World War Two by an anthropologist. Never have I read a book that so showed how profound cultural differences can be. I now have to change my assumptions about the locals and have more tolerance for the things they do that I find so baffling and annoying about them. They really are much different animals from me. ( And now if only I can get my wife to appreciate our cultural differences. I also wonder if Asians could write such a book, an anthropoligical about Westerners. I know my wife couldn't. )
There really isn't much for me to do stuck in the apartment. I am trying to keep myself busy but I am on egg shells with my wife Jenny being around. There is always a chance that something will suddenly set her off. All I can do is wait for these tirades to burn themselves out. So, in the meanwhile, I will have to deal with all of Jenny's criticisms, which will come sure as the sun rises and sets, like one for whom everything is water off a duck's back. But there is going to be a lot of water. Heck, it will probably be a flood. For as I blog this, there is going to be at least ten more days of this.