Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Wordle 592: Hat Trick #9


A Walk in My Jiangyin Neighborhood

I can’t stay in the apartment.  I got to get out and exercise my legs.

 Here’s the video I took:

Monday, January 30, 2023

Dirty Work

 Is it Norm MacDonald or Norm McDonald or Norm Macdonald?  I know I can check but I want to illustrate a point.

Anyway, however you spell his name, I saw Dirty Work.  It was laugh out loud funny.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Some Recent Tweets


Unnecessary Roughness

 Dressed up as I was in the photo of the previous entry, I watched the end of the Chiefs-Bengals AFC Championship Game.  It was decided by a marginal, I thought, unnecessary roughing call.

The referee’s call put the Chiefs in range for the game winning field goal.  The call was unnecessary because the defending player was trying his hardest in a big moment to play defense with no intent to injure.  It was a case of a referee deciding a game.

Keeping Warm in the Jiangyin Apartment

 And here’s a bonus photo. Nighttime view of the canal near the apartment:

Streaking Milestone


Friday, January 27, 2023

More Random Thoughts as the End of the Long Holiday Approaches

would love to see these sort of leaders, like Trudeau for example, think and respond seriously to the question of the absolute lack of trust that a huge portion of the population has for them and for the institutions that they run; as well as for the institutions that support them.  But they of course won’t, they’ll use words devoid of meaning in their answers, as well as ad hominem attacks.  They’ll say: not that many… democracy… racism… conspiracy theorists… fascists… the science… misinformation… disinformation… we must work together… climate crisis… MAGA… Trump… Putin… Populism… so as to shirk the question.  And it is because you’ll never hear a politician say they made a wrong decision or had a wrong idea and that people had a right to be angry at them.

I know it is hard to imagine government leaders like Trudeau and Biden being capable of serious thought.  But we live in a world where the leaders are either stupid or evil in what they do, and so we have to find out which it is.

YouTube shorts allows my videos to get some views.

Streets are quiet in my part of Wuxi on account of it being Spring Festival.  So my part of Wuxi is the best place to be during Spring Festival.

Please say three Hail Marys for my family, relatives, colleagues and students.  This is my favorite kind of tweet on Twitter.  Bless the people who do them.  They redeem social media.

I am a person who likes to listen to podcasts  about movies and TV series.  In fact, I like listening to podcasts about movies and TV series more than actually watching movies and TV series.

I’ve spent most of my life believing LHO assassinated JFK.  Since Covid, I have listened to many podcasts where  it is assumed LHO didn’t.  But I still assume that the best theory is the LHO theory though I will now admit that there are plenty of reasons for many to believe that this theory is wrong.  The killing of LHO was suspicious.

Bad as social media is, it is my only way of interacting with the world.  With the locals, I don’t speak their language well enough to have a conversation.  And if I speak in English with them, the conversation is as dull as dish water.  

But for many reasons, I like to delete people on my social media accounts.  A lot of the time, it is because they ignore me and I end up sending them nonsense so that it is just as well that I delete them and forget about them and stop being a nuisance to them.  Other times, the others are a nuisance.  Other times, I have forgotten who the people are.  Other times, I am succumbing to an impulse.

I have to admit, I am addicted to getting likes and view numbers.

Wordle 588: Hat Trick #8


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Some End of the Long Holiday Thoughts

Every time, I have problems finishing off a crossword puzzle, I put it down for an interim.  When I return to it, I can finish it off in one or two minutes.  It’s uncanny.

Is it being lazy when you are fretting about being lazy?  Really laziness is being too lazy to fret.

TDSer:  Trump is so bad.  If he wears briefs, I’ll wear boxers.  

Chinese drivers are bad.  Four million years of civilization supposedly; and you’d think they know enough to look both ways before making a turn.

TDSer:  Even the things Trump did right were wrong.

TDSer:  Trump is so bad that I get deranged thinking about him.

Weeeeeeeeee!!!  What fun.

I must be boring when I talk to people.  People coming to talk couldn’t get away fast enough.  It hurts, but what I can do?

Good to see that Trudeau has mobs screaming at him when he goes in public.  It’s his just desserts.

Twitter can be a bore, but I do like getting responses to my tweets.  I like getting likes.  I also appreciate push back.    The “you suck!” ones with plausible reasons are good.

Democracy is the tyranny of the side that wins elections?

I should add Halsey English to my list of Internet thinkers I like.

Lots of elevated roads in Wuxi.  Also, lots of skyscraper apartment towers.  I was reading in the blog Founding Questions (Look at my Twitter feed @wuxiandis and you’ll find links to it.) that Soviet worker housing and American inner-city housing projects were built with the same impulse: to produce a stupefied population.  I get a feeling of stupefaction when I look at Wuxi suburban skyline.  And when you on an elevated highway seeing nothing but apartment towers, you feel you are in a dystopia,

Goddamn Car Charging Stations


AKIC & Mother-In-Law


Heading Towards The Hui Shan Tunnel


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Two Wedding Rings

 The silver ring is my wedding ring. 

The golden ring is my father’s wedding ring.  I got it from my Mom after his death.  

I have always worn the two rings ever since.  My ring stays on the inside; Dad’s ring stays on the outside.  One day, I hope to take off that gold ring and give it to my son.  Perhaps it can be his wedding ring.

As it is now, the gold ring always reminds me of my Dad.

A Nighttime View of the Jiangyin Big Bridge

 Here is a video of its traffic:

Photos of My In-Laws Compound


A Jiangsu, China Countryside Repast


Roadside Fresh Food for Sale


Beixin, China


My Wife’s Hometown: Where She Be?

I hope these map screen shots help.

Here is a cool video of me driving across a huge bridge to get there;

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

I Got Mickey Kaus to Wear a Suit

 I am one degree of separation from Anne Coulter.

It happened thus:

I was listening to her Substack podcast with Mickey Kaus.  Here’s the link: https://open.substack.com/pub/anncoulter/p/blondes-the-trump-curse-libertarian?r=n7azh&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post.

She opened the podcast by asking her podcast partner why he was all dressed up and wearing a suit.  He said that a commentator on the previous podcast had said that she had looked like an angel and that he looked like John Fetterman.

That commentator was me.  So ha, ha.

Anyway, I should only crow a little about this.  If I ever did a podcast with Anne Coulter, I’m sure a commentator would say that Anne looked angelic and that I looked like Charles Manson.

Three Years of Streaking

 Three times 365 is 1095.  Is it three years?  How would a leap year fit into this?  Shouldn’t I maybe not say three years till tomorrow when I hit 1096?

Well I then saw this:

So three years it is.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Some Down-To-Earth God-Honest Blogging


  • Twitter is fun.  (@wuxiandis) I’m now starting to get pushback against my tweets.  Really, I hate getting pushback but it is what one has to do to get those coveted battle scars.
  • Somehow I came across this tweet celebrating the opening of an abortion center.  I decided to reply with “abortion is murder.” I was almost the center of a Twitter storm. I got a reply about it not being anyone’s business what a woman did with her body and another about a fœtus not being a person.  The most interesting reply was a strange syllogism about me having to supply a kidney to someone who needed my specific kidney.  If I didn’t supply it to this person, I was a murderer.  The logic  being that my body autonomy was being violated by this request as much as a woman being told not to abort was.  Well. To not have been pregnant, the woman could have chosen not to have sex.  She also could have accepted the fact that getting pregnant is a risk of having sex.  These people want abortion to be a right.  They don’t want to accept the responsibility of using their bodies properly.  They probably even want others to subsidize their body autonomy.  As for the kidney thing, I would do it for someone I love I suppose.  As for calling it murder, it wasn’t my fault that the person had kidney trouble.  I don’t wish that person to die.  The kidney argument is an example of sophistry at its most murderous.
  • I also get tweets from this unhinged Trump hater.  I look forward to reading them because I enjoy the sport of mocking them.  This Trump hater uses foul language in all her tweets.  I reply to them by using mocking childlike language.  One reply I made was this:  “If I had two ice creams, I’d eat them both instead of sharing them with a Trump supporter.” Some people got my joke, but some thought I was being serious.  
  • I also like responding to pro-abortion tweets by saying that MAGA types shouldn’t be allowed to have abortions.
  • It’s a shame that the Bills and Vikings lost their playoff games.
  • My winter holiday has been too long.  Haven’t done much other than waste time on Twitter.

Orange Bus


Wordle 583: My First Deuce of 2023


Bruce Lee and Me!


Saturday, January 21, 2023


 An endearing Spring Festival tradition.

CNY Eve Dinner


Friday, January 20, 2023

My Wife’s Birthday

 My wife celebrates her lunar calendar birthday which is always the last day of the lunar year, New Year’s Eve you could say.  You could also say it’s the Eve of the biggest day of the Chinese year.

I celebrate my birthday on the Gregorian calendar which is December 24th, Christmas Eve. You could also say it’s the biggest day of the Western year.

What does it say?

 It says “Welcome to Hui Shan.”

It is cut off because it never occurred to the landscapers that the English words were obscured,

I Should Have Taken a Photo

 I was in a mall with my son Tony.  We were shopping for drinks and snacks.

Having bought some drinks at a basement grocery, we were ascending an escalator when Tony spotted something.  “Look at the back of that woman’s jacket!” he said.  “It says ‘butthole’!” My eyesight declining, it took me a few seconds to see it.  

I wonder where the woman bought it. 

I wonder what the manufacturer was thinking,

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Don’t Forget!


And when you remind me, don’t forget to tell me that I told you to remind me, otherwise, I’ll be wondering how you knew it was my wife’s birthday when I didn’t.

新年快乐! 恭喜发财!




Wordle 580: Hat Trick #7


Over 2,222,222 Whoop Dee Dos


At the rate, I’m going I’ll have 3,333,333 in 2031.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Free Car Wash

 Wife had me leave the house to get a free Spring Festival car wash.

Arden Resigns

 Having fun on Twitter.
