Sunday, October 1, 2023

Honoring Nazis in the Canadian Parliament

I posted a meme of Justin Trudeau wearing a Mustache Guy mustache and an Ukraine lapel pin.  That was because I am not a fan, in the least, of Trudeau.  But the whole affair of applauding the Ukrainian Liberator/Nazi didn’t leave me outraged and lifting my skirt over my head over/at the Liberals.  For my people of my ethnic origin, Latvian, had Latvian SS brigades fighting the Soviets too.  Latvians had welcomed the Nazis as liberators from the dreaded Soviets.  For Latvians, WWII was being between a rock and a hard place:  Nazis and Soviets; being stuck in the Bloodlands.  

Did Latvians engage in massacres of Jews?  Probably.  Why?  Antisemitism, anti-Soviet sentiment. the zeitgeist, and resentment of Jewish Internationalism, I would suppose.  Latvia was a small country wanting independence, and Jews could have been perceived as enemies of that.  But that would appear to be making excuses.   The point is that-the conflicts in the Bloodlands were not black and white, evil versus good, hobbits versus Sauron; they were a mixture of pure and evil motives.

The ultimate mistake that the West is making in its current war with Russia, is depicting it as Ukraine good, Russia bad.  Ukrainians have a right to be resentful about the Holodomor.  But many collaborated in nazi massacres.  Modern  Ukraine is corrupt.  Modern Ukraine is a proxy of the Global American Empire.  Ukraine is not a democracy.  Its elites have soviet tendencies when it comes to ruling. Russia, ain’t great shakes either, but it isn’t the bad Soviet Union anymore.  And it can be credibly argued that it was provoked into attacking Ukraine.

I just want the damn war to end.  The elites that gave us the response to Covid are a bigger menace to the world than Putin.  For as the nazi-in-parliament episode shows they have a superficial understanding of history and world affairs; and a plain incompetence in running things.

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