Wednesday, October 5, 2022

One Thing I Like about Jiangyin

 One thing I like about Jiangyin, for now, is this:  they don’t have the recycling huts that came to Wuxi.

In the wonderful before times, you could take your garbage from your apartment to a nearby bin.  But some bureaucrat didn’t see this as being green or environmentally friendly.  So, they brought in these recycling huts into the apartment complexes. They took away the convenient bins and so you had to walk further to dispose of your garbage.

In Jiangyin, this has not happened yet.  All I have to do is take my garbage downstairs to a nearby bin. It takes me all of a minute.

A thing that I have witnessed in Wuxi, thanks to the stupid huts, is that the garbage pickers, who were always there, will hang out near the huts and take you garbage from you so they can take anything of value from your garbage before it can be taken by the sorter in the hut.

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