Saturday, October 29, 2022

I’m a DiDi Rider

 DiDi is China’s Uber. 

 I hadn’t used it that much in Wuxi.  A few times I used it to get to company training at my first school.  At my school last year, I felt out of it because I never used DiDi while all the other teachers talked of “taking a DiDi” in a way that sounded like TV series characters talking of taking an Uber.  I drove or took the Subway.

In Jiangyin, I am now a DiDi Rider (I’m channeling Elvis Presley when I say this).  This weekend, I took a DiDi to the bar and to do some grocery shopping.  Now, I see I don’t have to pay before I can leave the car.  I can pay later because if I don’t pay, I can’t use DiDi again.

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